Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The buckets

Life's too short. Way too short.

By the time we begin to make sense out of what we speak we've already wasted half a decade. By the time we get to grips about feeling hurt and pain that others caused we've already quarter-or-so of a decades old. By the time we found out why are we breathing the same air every day we might already be halfway through our journey in life. So what does the other half of the journey means to you, and me?

I don't know.

I'm still getting to grips of my existence here. Why things happens as they are. Why someone enters your life at a certain stage and why you'll never hear from him or her again or why they left us to a better place. Is there a connection between every event in life?

I think so. The dots are too vague but they somehow would make sense. And when they do, you take it and do something about it.

Is your bucket full or half full?

PS: I'm glad the girlfriend is one of those dots, and a big and clear dot she is. She may not know this nor will she agree, but she inspires and challenges the way I think.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

感言 (Thoughts)



I know nothing about the future, therefore I live.

Thursday, August 11, 2011



Glad we made it this far, and still going.

Though I wished for some things, things like how we can be openly “us”, how we can call ourselves “baby” openly, how we can hold hands anytime, how we can push our lips together without looking around, how we can love without fear.

But I know I can be patient and persevere, and that these things will come one day. So for now I’m glad we can be just us between us – you and me, and happiness.



Friday, July 1, 2011

It’s the first again!

I love you, girlfriend!

I know it’s been a hectic month with bad work, bad health, and all that in between. Though I wished more, I’m just thankful of every second we get to be together. At least, we are able to do this everyday.

Keep on smiling baby, I know I do.


Monday, May 23, 2011

You’re not here…


當世界只剩下這床頭燈 When all left in the world is this bedside lamp
你那邊是早晨已經出門 Where you are, it’s already morning
我側身感到你在轉身 I felt your presence and turned around
無數陌生人 正在等下一個綠燈 Seeing strangers, waiting for the next green light

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

13 hours and 6557 miles apart

The baby has gone to London to start off her Europe trip, and last I checked, she’s all giddy about the cheap grocery there. Too bad I’m gonna be stuck here for the time being. I know how much you wished I was there. Trust me, there’s no where else I’d wanna be apart from being with you ;)

Have fun, and happy grocery shopping!